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Overwhelming support for a trial LTN


The results are in, and we share the headline analysis that we shared with Oxfordshire County Council (OCC) on Friday 12th March (and on the same day, with our DRARA email list). The key findings are below, and you can click here for a pdf sharing the graphic and data tables behind each finding.

446 residents took part and the key headline is that there is resounding support for a trial LTN and less opposition to both bollard options than may have been expected. We feel this gives the OCC a mandate supporting its plans for an LTN and we hope will help the OCC to pursue what they consider to be the optimal scheme. Just to remind, the decision to hold a trial LTN in our neighbourhood, and the details of the scheme are the responsibility of the OCC.

While the focus leading up to this point has been upon concerns, the survey provides us with a great foundation to continue discussions ahead.


Key findings from DRARA Resident LTN Survey 2021 Support for trial LTN

  • Good response rates from all areas in the DRARA neighbourhood

  • 446 survey responses (validated)

  • 90% of residents across all streets are in support or neutral to the pilot LTN in principle

Views on viability of trial LTN, according to bollard location

  • 70% of residents support or are neutral to proceeding with the trial LTN if the proposal involved bollards being located in option A

  • 30% of residents oppose proceeding with the trial LTN if the proposal involved bollards being located in option A

  • 84% of residents support or are neutral to proceeding with the trial LTN if the proposal involved bollards being located in option B

  • 16% of residents oppose proceeding with the trial LTN if the proposal involved bollards being located in option B

Preferences between Option A and Option B bollard locations

  • 37% prefer option A

  • 49% prefer option B

  • 10% are equally happy with either option

  • 5% don't know/blank

  • There is a noticeable difference in preference for option A or option B depending on which sub-area the respondent lives in - with particularly clear differences between lower, middle and upper sub-areas

Street level opinions

  • There is a range of support and opposition on all streets for both bollard options (except for Stone Street residents)

  • There is a perceptible trend of support/opposition for the two options between the residents living in the upper and lower areas of the community

  • Certain streets have marked different views on options, while other streets are less definitive

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