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East Oxford LTNs (Divinity Road area, St Mary's and St Clements) approved and due to be implemented on 20 May 2022.
See below for OCC map showing positioning of bollards/planters and new vehicle access routes.
DRARA members: check out the latest DRARA Traffic email update for the most recent updates on the LTN, and related schemes around the city and beyond.

To date, we are still awaiting full details of the pilot LTN - DRARA is pushing for immediate implementation of clear signage and advance warning for motorists from outside the area.
DRARA Residents want an LTN!
The results of the DRARA Low Traffic Neighbourhood (LTN) survey, carried out in early March 2021, show an overwhelming level of support for an LTN in the DRARA area. Click here to see our blog post with an overview of the survey findings.
These results were shared with Oxfordshire County Council to feed into their stakeholder consultations, in advance of the full OCC consultation that took place in summer 2021.

A unique chance to stop the rat running through our streets!
As you’re no doubt aware, our area has been enduring extreme traffic problems for many years – and it keeps getting worse. With 6000 vehicles using Divinity Road every day, we are living on one of the busiest rat-runs in Oxford and this has a serious impact on the health and wellbeing of residents of all ages.

But now we’ve been given a chance to address the problem. As part of a nationwide traffic initiative, Oxfordshire County Council is putting in place a number of pilot Low Traffic Neighbourhood (LTN) schemes. This is all happening fast, and the very short notice has meant we’ve had to make some decisions quickly in order to put forward a trial LTN proposal for our neighbourhood.
While we may not have found the solution that everyone wants (sadly, it’s impossible to please everyone), we can’t just stand by and do nothing. With ten Oxford areas all putting forward pilot LTN schemes, we need to be part of the citywide movement to change the way we travel. Quite simply, if we don’t take part, even more traffic will divert through our streets with all the dangers and problems that will bring.
This opportunity to try a new way to stop rat running through our streets is genuine and could truly transform the quality of our lives as residents.
On this page, we have created a space where you can find lots of information and links to help you reach your own understanding and view.

From: Walters, Emma - Oxfordshire County Council <Emma.Walters@oxfordshire.gov.uk>
Date: Wed, Jan 12, 2022 at 3:10 PM
Subject: East Oxford Low Traffic Neighbourhood Scheme
Dear Business/ Resident/ Occupier
East Oxford Low Traffic Neighbourhood Scheme
We are writing to update you on the proposed East Oxford Low Traffic Neighbourhood (LTN) scheme. The East Oxford LTN was approved by cabinet member decision on 16 December 2021, by Councillor Liz Leffman, Leader of Oxfordshire County Council.
They will be implemented in Spring 2022 under an experimental traffic regulation order (ETRO) for a minimum period of six months, during which time you can continue to provide feedback on the proposed schemes.
The LTNs will be trialed in three areas: Divinity Road Area, St Mary’s and St Clement’s. These roads were chosen as priority areas for LTNs as they have high volumes of through traffic and low levels of cycle safety compared to other parts of the city.
All streets within the LTNs will be accessible to residents, emergency services, visitors and deliveries by car or van. A number of ‘quietways’ (cycle lanes through non-main streets) will also be implemented to guide cyclists on less busy routes through the Cowley and East Oxford LTNs, which are facilitated by the LTN traffic filters.
We hope that the East Oxford LTNs will result in improved road safety and traffic congestion while ensuring the health and wellbeing of residents. You can continue to send in your feedback during the ETRO process in Spring.
The decision on whether to extend the trial, make the LTNs permanent or remove the LTNs will be made following the ETRO trial period. It will be based on a group of factors including feedback received, and traffic and air quality data recorded during the ETRO.
Kind regards
East Oxford LTN Team

Oxfordshire County Council (OCC) looked into two options for bollard locations in the Divinity Road Area LTN scheme: the DRARA proposal of bollards at Stone Street/top of Divinity Road, and an alternative proposal of bollards located in the mid-section of Divinity and Southfield Roads. Following consultation with emergency services and refuse services, who stated a preference for the latter, OCC consulted on this option - see map below - which was approved by the cabinet in December 2021, for implementation in Spring 2022.

Explore changes going on in the wider Oxford area
Oxfordshire City Council - Cowley LTN proposal and consultation
Oxfordshire County Council's Active Travel programme presentation (August 2020)
Bringing liveable streets to Oxford - a presentation by Scott Urban (September 2020)
Traffic-free Oxford - Oxford Civic Society Lockdown Video (November 2020)
Oxford Mail article on LTN plans around Oxford (25 November 2020)
A video on LTNs by Oxfordshire Liveable Streets - "Mini Holland: Waltham Forest and Beyond" (June 2020)
Map showing historic and proposed LTNs in East Oxford (Scott Urban, 18 December 2020)
Connecting Oxford - the main OCC website for the series of schemes being implemented from 2021-3, to transform travel and air quality in Oxford
Information on the Divinity Road Area LTN proposal
DRARA AGM - presentation on the DRARA LTN (October 2020)
DRARA Residents traffic survey results (June 2020)
Information from the County Council regarding implementation of the LTNs (10 December 2020)
DRARA Community Traffic Meeting, 20th December 2020 - recording and chat
DRARA Community Traffic Meeting, 21st December 2020 - recording
Further reading on Low Traffic Neighbourhoods
In 2015 41% of Walthamstow Village residents opposed their LTN. In 2016, 1.7% wanted it to be removed.
Low-traffic schemes benefit everyone, not just better-off, finds study (The Guardian, 16 Nov 2020)
Mythbusters: eight common objections to LTNs – and why they are wrong (The Guardian, 16 Nov 2020)
An article about a low traffic neighbourhood approach, widespread in the Netherlands.
- A film about Waltham Forest "Enjoy Waltham Forest" - early adopters of Low Traffic neighbourhoods here in the UK.
We know there will be questions about how a Low Traffic Neighbourhood will work in practice in our DRARA community. Take a look at our FAQ document here - this is being added to as new questions are submitted.
Oxfordshire County Council carried out a second survey in October 2019 to collect data on the volume of traffic on Divinity Road. The survey showed a 73% increase in traffic volumes compared with 2014, and an astonishing 5,817 motor vehicles travelling on Divinity Road on an average week day.

Oxfordshire County Council working with DRARA carried out a survey in November 2014 to collect data on volume and speed of traffic in Divinity Road, Southfield Road, Hill Top Road and Stone Street. Download the resulting traffic survey data here. The presentation for the comminity meeting that followed the survey can be found here.
We were advised to get this latest traffic survey done before embarking on our other work to raise drivers’ awareness of their inappropriate driving in these roads, namely more visible signage and community Speedwatch operations, in order to get an initial ‘worst case’ picture. However, we do not really have this worst case picture: the positioning of the cameras was still problematic in this latest survey as they have to be fixed to street furniture that is managed by the council and where their view is not obstructed by parked vehicles, which leaves few options. But we do now have data that shows us the number of vehicles travelling in both directions over 24 hours in the roads surveyed over a period of one week, and a record of speeds. A first look at the data shows us that over a third of vehicles were exceeding the speed limit even at the points where the cameras were positioned, which were not necessarily the parts of the road where vehicles travel fastest.